Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Austin A35 1959 Restoration

My Austin A35 Before and After Restoration.
Manufactured Year 1959
Engine Capacity 948 CC
4 door Sedan

After restored

The white color switch is to control signal, left or right.

This is the place to fill up petrol.

All this signal light is make of glass.

Repaced of new  handle.

This is the place to replace or refill brake oil.

This side mirro I order from UK.

Time to go for dinner. bye2


SooHK said...

walow ah... great car...

PhotoCrazy said...

at last your car is out on the road.. nice work on your car too..

Unknown said...

waliao...finally see update after so many months!!! :)

really KILAT KILAT leh.... :)

golfer said...
A damn nice car, now only posted to blog. When you can bring the car and let us experience it?????
Share share your good car lah......